The NEO Archives - Flair Espresso Handcrafted espresso right at home. Wed, 09 Sep 2020 05:15:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The NEO Archives - Flair Espresso 32 32 The First Review of The NEO! (spoiler alert…it’s great!) Tue, 28 Apr 2020 14:15:56 +0000 Sterling Grinnell, YouTuber extraordinaire, got his hands on a NEO to complete the first unbiased and independent review of our new manual espresso maker. While you can watch below, here is our favorite quote. “I was so, so, so impressed with the simplicity and ease of use. This is something that maybe you can actually […]

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Sterling Grinnell, YouTuber extraordinaire, got his hands on a NEO to complete the first unbiased and independent review of our new manual espresso maker. While you can watch below, here is our favorite quote.

“I was so, so, so impressed with the simplicity and ease of use. This is something that maybe you can actually squeeze into your morning routine.”

The NEO was designed just as Sterling describes it, to be a simple and affordable way to brew manual espresso in your home. Our Kickstarter, which can be found by clicking here, is currently over 2000% funded, but there’s still time to back if you’re interested!

We also understand that backing Kickstarter projects can be a bit nerve-racking. Maybe you’re worried about the quality, or if you’ll get what you really want. At Flair Espresso, we feel our record stands for itself. But, we also feel this wonderful review should put any of those fears to rest. If you are interested in the quality of The NEO, or how good of espresso it will make when it arrives on your doorstep after backing the project, then please watch below.

While we won’t spoil all the fun, we’re sure that watching this video will make your appetite for espresso go through the roof. And we certainly don’t want to make the wait for our backers harder, but if you do back The NEO Kickstarter, you can be sure you’ve got something great headed your way.

Come brew with us and back The NEO on Kickstarter today.

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The NEO is 1400% Funded. Here’s Why You Should Back It Too. Wed, 22 Apr 2020 14:08:16 +0000 The NEO launched on Kickstarter (visit here!) on April 7th, 2020. Since that time, we’ve exceeded our funding goal by 1400% raising over $110,000 dollars in just two weeks. Based on this response, it’s fair to say that The NEO has struck a cord with many users who want manual espresso, 20% of whom come […]

The post The NEO is 1400% Funded. Here’s Why You Should Back It Too. appeared first on Flair Espresso.

The NEO launched on Kickstarter (visit here!) on April 7th, 2020. Since that time, we’ve exceeded our funding goal by 1400% raising over $110,000 dollars in just two weeks. Based on this response, it’s fair to say that The NEO has struck a cord with many users who want manual espresso, 20% of whom come from outside the U.S.

But, if you’re still undecided about whether to buy, or are waiting and watching to see what happens, here are the most convincing reasons you should buy a NEO now and enjoy handcrafted espresso yourself.

Perfect for espresso beginners
The NEO was designed with simplicity in mind. Featuring our Flow-Control Portafilter, the NEO reduces the need to dial-in your grind by restricting the flow of your brew water through your grounds. This means you get a great result, and delicious espresso, no matter what type of grinder you’re using.

We surveyed our first 800 backers to get to know them a bit better, and we found out that for over half, The NEO would be their first espresso machine. And we are thrilled! If you’ve never owned an espresso maker, don’t worry. The NEO is a no-fuss, approachable espresso solution.

Saving the world, one shot at a time
The world could use a bit of saving right now, and The NEO can contribute to that. Using no pods or electricity, The NEO is a manual espresso maker, that uses your own hands, to craft delicious espresso. Every time you lower the lever, you’re reducing the number of pods that could go into a landfill.

Kickstarter deals don’t last
We all know about the great deals you can score on Kickstarter. But these deals don’t last. Already, The NEO has reached the max on two reward levels, and the current levels will be gone before you know it. It’s true, even at the full price of $119, the NEO is affordable and makes delicious espresso. But, at $95 dollars, it’s truly a steal. And once this deal is gone, it’s gone forever. This campaign ends May 7th.

​A short wait from backing to fulfillment
During these times when everyone is stuck at home, it’s important to have a solution for home espresso. But you’ve heard that some Kickstarter campaigns have massive delays in delivering products. Not with the NEO. Flair Espresso is a manufacturing company, having three years of experience bringing manual espresso makers into customers homes. We’ve got a target delivery date of May for the first lot of NEOs, which is the same month the campaign ends. Click, order, and before you know it, your NEO will be at your doorstep.

So what are you waiting for? Get the best deals, and back today. You’ll have espresso in your home in no time.

Come brew with us.

The post The NEO is 1400% Funded. Here’s Why You Should Back It Too. appeared first on Flair Espresso.

The NEO: A Kickstarter Campaign for Delicious, Affordable Espresso Tue, 07 Apr 2020 14:04:46 +0000 Affordable, delicious and simple espresso at home isn’t easy to find. Even our existing Flair Espresso Makers require a learning curve and a high-quality burr grinder to get good results. So what about those that are just starting on their espresso journey, or who don’t currently have a burr grinder at home? For these people, and […]

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Affordable, delicious and simple espresso at home isn’t easy to find. Even our existing Flair Espresso Makers require a learning curve and a high-quality burr grinder to get good results.

So what about those that are just starting on their espresso journey, or who don’t currently have a burr grinder at home? For these people, and anyone that would like to add a bit of convenience into their morning routine, we’ve designed The NEO.

Recently launched on Kickstarter – and funded in less than an hour! – The NEO makes delicious, in-home espresso easily and affordably. We designed this product knowing that Moka pots, many pod machines, and other in-home brewers claim to make espresso, but really only provide you with a cup of strong coffee.

So, how does The NEO do it?

The answer a Flow-Control Portafilter – easily recognizable by the red color – which simplifies the brewing process by controlling the flow of your brew water through your coffee grounds to ensure proper espresso extraction. You still need whole beans, but you can use any old grinder you’ve got laying around the house, bladed or with burrs, and the results will be the same! Beautiful and delicious espresso in your cup.

And, because this NEO is for those just getting started, we’ve worked to bring a price point that everyone can get on board with. With early bird deals on Kickstarter that begin at $79 dollars – saving you roughly 34% off the low retail of $119, The NEO is for everyone.

So, if you haven’t seen the Kickstarter yet, what are you waiting for? Our Early Bird deals won’t last, and in times like these who can forgo their morning espresso…or cappuccino…or latte…or flat white?

So, click here, and come brew with us.

The post The NEO: A Kickstarter Campaign for Delicious, Affordable Espresso appeared first on Flair Espresso.
