OG Flair 58 Owners
Original Flair 58 Owner's Resources

Resources for the OG Flair 58 Owners
Don’t feel bad, these new upgrades will be available to you for the price increase of the new model!
We at Flair Espresso move fast, constantly innovating. But we never leave our original, first adopters behind. If you purchased your Flair 58 or 58x from our webstore before August 15th, 2021, or if you purchased from one of our international sellers before October of 2021, these resources are for you!
Scroll down for video tutorials, product guides and more.
Flair 58 and 58x Video Tutorials
Brewing espresso with the Flair 58 and 58x is fun. We’ve also decided to make it as easy as possible by supplementing our Quick Start Guides, shipped with every Flair and downloadable below, with video tutorials that show the exact process you’ll need to be successful. Watch and follow the processes below, there’s no better way to learn! (Remember, these tutorials correspond to products purchased on our website prior to August 15th, 2021!)
Flair 58 Tutorial
Flair 58x Tutorial
Download The Flair 58 and 58x Quick Start Guides
If you’ve lost or damaged the Quick Start Guide that comes with your Flair 58 or 58x, don’t worry! Just download a new copy below. (Remember, these tutorials correspond to products purchased on our website prior to August 15th, 2021!)
Shipping in October, 2021
Flair 58 Valve Plunger Upgrade Kit
Upgrade your original Flair 58, purchased before August 15th, 2021, with the newest in workflow, the Valve Plunger. Designed to allow users to add water for shot after shot, without needing to remove the stem.
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